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ARGOMENTO: i spy spooky mansion iphone hints
i spy spooky mansion iphone hints 11 Anni, 3 Mesi fa #9659
<a><img>ht...t;/img></a> <b><a>DOWNLOAD NOW </a> <a>ONLINE DEMO </a></b> Demand for flexible displays is set to undergo massive growth during the nextseven years, with a broad variety of applications -- ranging from smartphones togiant screens mounted on buildings -- driving a nearly 250 times expansion inshipments from 2013 through 2020.Global shipments of flexible displays are projected to soar to 792 millionunits in 2020, up from 3.2 million in 2013, according to IHS. Market revenuewill rise to $41.3 billion, up from just $100,000 during the same period."Flexible displays hold enormous potential, creating whole new classes ofproducts and enabling exciting new applications that were impractical orimpossible before," said Vinita Jakhanwal, director for mobile and emergingdisplays and technology at IHS. "From smartphones with displays that curvearound the sides, to smart watches with wraparound screens, to tablets and PCswith roll-out displays, to giant video advertisements on curved building walls,the potential uses for flexible displays will be limited only by the imaginationof designers."Generation flexIHS classifies flexible displays into four generations of technology. The firstgeneration is the durable display panels that are now entering the market. Thesepanels employ a flexible substrate to attain superior thinness and unbreakableruggedness. However, these displays are flat and cannot be bent or rolled.Second-generation flexible displays are bendable and conformable, and can bemolded to curved surfaces, maximizing space on small form-factor products likesmartphones.The third generation consists of truly flexible and rollable displays thatcan be manipulated by end users. These displays will enable a new generation ofdevices that save space and blur the lines separating traditional productcategories, such as smartphones and media tablets.The fourth generation consists of disposable displays that cost so littlethat they can serve as a replacement for paper.Starting smallWith their thin, light and unbreakable nature, flexible displays initially areexpected to be used in smaller-sized products, such as mobile phones and MP3players. However, once large-size displays are available, flexible technologywill be used in bigger screen-size platforms, such as laptops, monitors andtelevisions.The largest application for flexible displays during the next several yearswill be personal electronic devices. This segment will be led by smartphones,with shipments climbing to 351 million units by 2020, up from less than 2million this year.Flexible stars at SIDFlexible displays were a major topic at the Society for Information Display(SID) Display Week event in Vancouver in May.During an SID keynote address, Kinam Kim, president and CEO of SamsungDisplay Co., discussed his company's flexible organic light-emitting diode (OLED)display technology. Kim said that the technology will be suitable for wearableelectronics devices like Google Glass.Also at SID, LG Display showed a 5-inch OLED panel constructed out of plasticthat was both flexible and unbreakable.Furthermore, Corning at SID showed its Willow Glass, which can be used aswith both OLEDs and liquid-crystal displays (LCD) in mobile devices such assmart phones, tablets and notebook PCs. Because of its thinness, strength andflexibility, Willow Glass could enable future displays to be wrapped around adevice or a structure.IHS predicts OLEDs will be the leading flexible display technology duringevery year for the foreseeable future, accounting for 64 percent of shipments in2020. <a>APLICACIONES ESPIA PARA ANDROID </a> Qualcomm has announced two additions to its Snapdragon S4 class of mobileprocessors: the MSM8625 and the MSM8225 chipsets. Both chipsets provide dualcore CPUs operating up to 1 GHz, Qualcomm's Adreno 203 GPU and an integrated 3Gmodem.The MSM8625 and MSM8225 chipsets are designed to be hardware and softwarecompatible with the MSM7x27A and MSM7x25A family of chipsets, giving devicemanufacturers the ability to seamlessly migrate their existing SnapdragonS1-based designs to S4 dual core-based designs.Qualcomm also announced the third-generation of its Qualcomm Reference Design(QRD) ecosystem program to enable third party device manufacturers to developsmartphones. The QRD ecosystem program includes a comprehensive set of softwareand hardware components that allows third party hardware and software vendors tohave their products pre-tested and optimized for the QRD development platform."Smartphones present a large business opportunity for many of ourcustomers, which is why we have created the QRD ecosystem program to assist themwith developing compelling product designs with competitivedifferentiation," said Cristiano Amon, senior vice president of productmanagement at Qualcomm. "The program combines all the elements ourcustomers need to get a new smartphone design to launch quickly and costeffectively, from carrier-ready hardware and software to local technical supportresources." <a>SPY SOFTWARE ON IPHONE </a> |
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