Why? Because they know, just as we do, that 2/3 of WFM's $9 billion annual sales is derived from so-called "natural" processed foods and animal products that are contaminated with GMOs. These are by far the cheapest juice drinks on
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Anderson did, so here is what he said,Word on the Street was that the consumer turnout in California for Prop 37 and the recent Whole Foods Market announcement (to eliminate all GMOs from their stores by 2018) was a death knell for GMOs.But inside sources reveal that the brightest minds from Madison Avenue, along with secret underground think tanks and sequestered science labs, have come up with something new.
Sinfully delicious. When record-low tax revenues are reported in April because of Obama's planned destruction of the U.S. 63 is a direct affront to the rights of parents to govern the vaccination choices of their children,Claiming a child can consent to receiving these chemicals is the same as claiming a child can consent to having sex or doing drugs, writes Melissa Melton for InfoWars.com about S.B.
You live in a never-ending state of denial because the zone of denial is far more comfortable than facing the truth that your own government is arming against you, amassing enough ammunition and armored assault vehicles to wage a 20-year war on the streets of America, all while gutting the Constitution and the Bill of Rights (to the cheers of the socialist left).If you believe DHS is buying all this just for "training purposes, you are a fool.
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