n New California. Almost. For our part, we 146. ll take most of the rest of gorgeous New York State, although you get the scam artists who infest the legislature in Albany. And since for some unfathomable reason you actually want Elliot Spitzer, we 146. ll buy his plane ticket as a gesture of goodwill. So that 146. s the deal. You get the cities, with all the crime, crack mommies, and corruption you can stand. And sure, you get many of the elite colleges too, with the professors who think that terrorists in Fallujah are freedom fighters and that the people who worked in the Twin Towers on 9 11 were no better than Nazis 151. forgive us for not lamenting over this loss. We
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wholesale soccer jerseys free shipping since we 146. re sure that Islamic fundamentalist terrorists will be more than happy to reach an accommodation with a society that embraces radical feminism, gay marriage, gun control, hostility to organized religion of any kind, and Salman Rushdie. Good luck with that. But one day when some misogynist Saudi freak who no doubt will sneak into your countr
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