danavian countries have the largest numbers of athiests in the world. and suck it usa, you guys always think your 1 and you cant even make the top 10 list February 5, 2011 at 9:08 pm 61 Angela says: Multiculturalism does not work in most countries. Have a look at the crime statistics in Australia for one nearly every vicious crime is committed by either islanders or arabs etc. They all cry discrimination but they never do anything to help themselves the aboriginals for one get enormous amounts of welfare cry that they are not respected etc but they do nothing to earn the respect of the nation. Integration would be far more workable that multiculturalism. We need to work as one but multiculturalism does not work that way they are too hell bent on being the nationality of their fathers
soccer jerseys wholesale not of the nation they were born in. February 23, 2011 at 4:11 pm 62 Knative says: There are 192 countries in the world. The US is ranked 11th according to this survey. That puts the US at being a better place to live than 94% of all countries in this survey. As per population,
cheap team soccer jerseys that would still put the US around the 90% mark. Bear in mind that the US has population that is about the same size as the top ten countries PUT together. So if the US is considered multicultural then y all can suck on your hatred of multiculturalism. April 3, 2011 at 4:27 pm 63 AlexMatt says: We,canadians,are sick of this multiculturalism crap. We have to preserve our heritage and identity, enough is enough of this bs 8230. May 6, 2011 at 12:24 am 64 EMP says: i agree. too many immigrants are taking jobs away from canadian citizens. WTF. Its sad to see someone who cant speak a word of english, and get hired by the Government
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