nties with pockets of Blue urban blight in them, who vote Democratic in such numbers that if the same results came out of a Third World country 151. which, come to think of it, many of the "Blue" counties pretty much are 151. we 146. d think it was fraud and send some election observers from the UN. Even
cheap team soccer jerseys California is pretty much a Red State: Bush won 35 out of 58 counties, while Kerry won LA and San Francisco. You want 'em. we certainly won 146. t fight you for them but you're going to have to found New California without 35 of your most beautiful counties and your second largest city. Sorry about that. Nationally, Bush won over 2. 5 million square
cheap jerseys free shipping miles of U. S. counties and an extra three and a half million votes, but we won't rub that in. Kerry won less than 600,000 square miles meaning that in most states he was popular downtown and pretty much nowhere else. In other words, your guy won
cheap authentic jerseys the places that people like him would get shot if he walked through them at night. Our guy won every place else. So, the bottom line is that you don't get the Blue States. Those states have lots of towns and counties that would rather blow their dams and flood themselves out of existence rather than go with you. No, instead, you get the Blue Cities. But wait 133. we really feel we owe you full disclosure on this exchange. This might come as an unpleasant surprise, but you don 146. t actually get the lower divorce and single motherhood rates and all that other good stuff you think you're going to snag. Those are the conditions that are actually found out in the Red counties 151. not in the Blue cities, and you can't have them. Instead you get the urban single moms, not the soccer moms. the drug addi
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