trust me we do have cheer season, depending on what you cheer for. if you cheer for football players, you work in fall. if you cheer for basket ball, its whenever basketball is! easy as that. lets get this straight too. 1 we are not dumb. at our school you cant have any grade lower than a C or your off the squad. 2 i am NOT a prep. not all cheerleaders are. 3 anyone can run around a few people with a ball, throw it to the next perosn, try a few trick plays, and get tackled a few times. im not sayin its not fun, or easy, but with a couple hours of training I would have it down. but with cheer, we could spend weeks trying the same stunt, trying to perfect it. i dont see any football players doing liberty to heel stretch to full out cradles. and if your one of the people who say if its not
soccer jerseys wholesale in the olympics then its not a sport, your saying ping pong is a sport, but not cheer. i seriously want a few of those stupid jocks come and try practicing with us for one day. that would make them change their mind. go to the UCA website and watch some of the stunts they do,
cheap team soccer jerseys and attempt it. i dare you. lol June 21, 2010 at 10:19 pm 160 jewelz says: yes cheerleading is so a sport lots of people think it's just pretty girls with pretty face and bodies jumping around
soccer jerseys wholesale and yelling. It's really hard i am a base it takes lots of strength and if you do one thing wrong during a stunt people can get really hurt. Some of the cheers are very confusing also. So the next time you want to say cheerleading is not a sport just think about how long and hard the girls work that really care about it so my point is 8230 . IT IS A SPORT. June 22, 2010 at 12:56 pm 161 Libby says: i was on a middle school squad now im on a high sc