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Judge Thomas Reavley, one member of a three-judge appeals panel, hinted that perhaps Smith required the search warrant because cellphone technology is continually advancing, and that future records could reveal a lot more than they do today.Judish countered that the federal appeals court shouldn't address possible future technology, but only address technology that is currently available.However, Susan Freiwald, a professor at the University of San Francisco's School of Law, says cellphone technology is already adept at "massive surveillance, adding that the government's request for cellphone records for a two-month period is "too long and too intrusive, according to the legal newswire service.She discounted the government's claim that even if cellphone users know their phones are "tracking devices, they should reasonably expect not to be tracked by them,The rule is not that mere access to information is subject to no expectation of privacy, Freiwald said, noting that the government, <a href=
www.torahmitzion.org/poll/lulu.asp>lululemon outlet</a> in this case, wants to "be provided <a href=
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leafsolutions.ca/market.html>cheap lululemon</a> continuous basis all information related to a call,Arguing for privacyIn earlier cases, she said the government only sought cellphone registration and location data, as well as data pertaining to all cellphone tower customers in a certain region, before and after a specified time,Without a warrant, agents are engaging in a massive surveillance of people, Freiwald said, adding that the government is trying to claim a warrant isn't required for such information.Hanni Fakhoury, a staff attorney for the Electronic Frontier Foundation, an electronic privacy advocate group in San Francisco, said that technology today is advanced enough that cellphone records reveal not simply where people have been, but also <a href=
www.sddia.org/about.html>lululemon</a> can provide patterns about where they regularly go - a gay bar, a mosque or other places, for instance.There was no indication how the three-judge panel might rule, Courthouse News reported.
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