Not meaning to oversimplify or generalize, I imagine many if not most of us want the same things: a roof over our heads, good jobs, security for the future, food and clothing, education for our children, health care when we're not well.
But the fact is, we're NOT out in the streets killing each other over politics (we're still killing each other, of course, but only for the usual reasons). The overwhelming majority of Americans are respectful of other people's right to their opinions. I'm a liberal Democrat who works alongside diehard Tea Partyers every day, and we get along great for the same reason everyone else does - because we know that if we fight about that crap,
Sandy was an equalizer and it didn't matter whether you were on food stamps, lived in a riverfront penthouse, were urban or suburban, what race you were, what religion you practiced, whether you were elderly or in preschool. It didn't care if you missed dialysis or chemo, if you had surgery scheduled or a vacation planned. If you were on the second floor of a beach house or on the 37th floor of a midtown high-rise.
п»їWe're All in This Together
It's easy to believe things are worse, but that's part of the problem. The sheer volume of information makes us focus on a narrow range of media sources to sort it all out for us (a media, I might add, for whom conflict is money), and when we don't take the time - or don't know how - to critically think the issues, we wind up simply believing what sounds right.
Welcome to the Age of the Internet.
And while I'm grateful in times of crisis we can put aside the divisiveness that permeates our country, especially during election time, I'm wondering how it got this rancorous and why it needs to be. The president doesn't run one political party, he runs the country. Congress doesn't represent just the people who voted for them, they represent everyone in their districts. Senators work for their state, not for people only
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of one political persuasion.
Now take those same 100 people, add a few more pundits and put them in the same room again, but this time give EVERYBODY microphones and loudspeakers. Now it
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sounds like a war. All the bad elements - the racism, fear, etc. - have been there all along, but now everything's been amplified, with
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everyone's microphone picking up and echoing everyone else's loudspeaker.
As countless people across the country are coming together to work, to donate, to rebuild destroyed homes, to find shelter for the newly homeless, to get schools back in session, to gather supplies and clothing, to feed those without, to provide medical attention, to fix power outages, to get restore heat and hot water as the temperatures drop, what matters is the effort, the intent to change things for the better.
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at least that's how it should be.
Take 100 people with differing views, add some pundits with microphones and loudspeakers, put them
all in one room and you've got a lot of noise.
Is there an echo in here?
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had that line, a lyric from a High School Musical song, stuck in my head for days (apologies if it's now stuck in yours). Watching the Sandy relief effort unfold, both from far away -- we left our powerless, waterless, heatless downtown NYC apartment after the storm -- to seeing grassroots fliers and local donation drives taking place in lobbies and schools and yoga studios and restaurants when we got back, I'm in awe at people's willingness to help. To appreciate what they have and pay it forward to help those very many who are far less fortunate at the moment.
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