wear a helmet. Just don't advocate for laws forcing others to do so. That's not EVERYONE'S worst case scenario. Guest
cheap soccer jerseys spookiewonI do,
cheap soccer jerseys and I oppose helmet laws. I wear a helmet. But I do so because helmet bluetooth speakers make it easier to hear the GPS, NOT for head protection. I'm sick to death of people like Kim C who want to say they are "affected" because they are emotionally impacted when a loved one has an accident. I'm willing to bet she does many things that emotionally impact other ppeople who care for her, but argues they are her business alone. I agree. My helmet use is MY BUSINESS ALONE! I don't think making many motorcycle crashes survivable is a good idea, at least for me. I don't want to survive at all costs. An accident that I survive because of a helmet where I lose the ability to live the quality of life I enjoy is not, IMO, desirable. And Karren you are obviously
cheap soccer jerseys an idiot kid who doesn't yet know about real life. No, surviving at any cost is NOT worth something to me. And a quadriplegic parent isn't worth much to kids. If you're worried about your kids, DON'T RIDE. IT'S DANGEROUS. Guest spookiewonStormy47I have always wore a helmet. Back in 1974 a friend of mine never wore one, pestered him til he finally gave in, two days later he was forced off of the road by a car passing in a no passing zone who hasn't had this happen, down into the ditch and his HELMET met a "T" fence post, it embedded itself into his helmet. He suffered from a broken collarbone, you can decide about wearing your helmet, neither of us ride without ours. RIDE SAFE Guest Stormy47helmet law!Way back in the early 50s my dad had a motorcycle accident, he suffered head injurys even though he always wore a h
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