he couple ge ing a divorce with one parent making, and the other, since child support is not being paid now on alot of these and now the parents split medical, school supplies etc. , in this case would the have to pay the child support! January, at Calculus says Lee, Florida calculates child support based on bot arents NET income, determining a child's "need", with eac arent contributing to the "need" based on a ratio of their incomes. In d custody, a ratio of time spent with eac arent is also a factor. In round numbers, your incomes are about a split. + = =. For one kid lets assume that your "need" would be about, with the noncustodial parent paying and the custodial parent "paying" herself. That estimate is probably a bit high, but the math is easy. There are online child support calculators that can get the exact amount for you. Do the calculation without medical costs and divy them up after all of the math is
wholesale soccer jerseys done. For d custody, the formula is Parent x. x of Parent s overnights Parent x. * of parent s overnights don't include medical costs. In your case, it would be. x. x. =. So do the traditional visitation plan and you'd pay and and pay. Medical costs and
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wholesale nfl jerseys separate, so if you paid a month for the child's portion of health care, no money would have to exchange hands. January, at larry says I see this law as good and bad. i agree non custodial parents should have more rights. However i also see this law as an easy way for deadbeat dads to beat child support. for instance. guy and girl are dating, she gets pregnant, he moves miles away he sees the baby at the birth, then not for more months under advice from his a orney has helped mother in no way withj medical bills or formula, etc in all that time. before paternity was est