Copyright © 2013 ABC News Internet Ventures. IP chapter also includes provisions that appear to go beyond current U.S. (NaturalNews) A new study just published in Biomed Central's journal, BMC Medicine, has found a strong association between eating processed meat and developing heart disease and cancer.
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She claims that physical activity is linked to lower main estrogen levels as well as heightened metabolism of some of the metabolites.She also says that enhanced overall activity seems to show a heightened metabolism of estrogen, and this was the first time that they were able to evaluate the 15 metabolites.According to Leslie Bernstein, a City of Hope Comprehensive Cancer Center professor and director of cancer etiology in Duarte, California, the usage of the accelerometer has provided a more detailed account of the activities during the women's waking hours compared to other ways, for example exercise journals.Although Bernstein did not take part in the research, she was among the pioneer researchers involved in studying physical activities as a means of lowering estrogen levels and risk of breast cancer development
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