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What nobody is telling these women is that cruciferous vegetables contain anti-cancer nutrients that specifically target BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes, protecting these women from breast cancer.All it takes is a single ounce of fresh broccoli juice each day, or fresh sprouts, superfoods or other nutrient-dense foods or juices consumed daily.Cancer doctors, of course, conveniently forget to tell women about these little facts.
Ginseng 6X, 30X, and 200X and Ruta graveolens 30X and 200X were administered before and after exposure. The only reason Japan isn't experiencing widespread power blackouts right now is because so many factories were damaged or swept away from the tsunami itself.
It's simply amazing. One major contention for farmers is that they face lawsuits if they try to save and replant genetically modified seed because they don't "own" the technology, yet most don't complain when they reap in the profits from the Roundup Ready crops.In
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